POM - All soft assertion failures are reported 1st test | Selenium Forum
patoliapg1 Posted on 01/10/2021

I had implemented POM framework using page factory same as described in videos for my project.

In login loginTest, I am using data provider(to read different set of data from excel file) to validate valid and invalid username and passwords and based on that i am passing or failing tests using page.validator(false).fail() and session.log().

I have added session.end(); at the end of @Test method and session.generateReports(); in @AfterMethod

Now suppose i have 3 different sets of data, It will create 3 extent test reports.

Here, If my failure occure in all 3 tests, But it is showing only 1st test as failed in reports. Remaining 2 are diaply pass.

Can you please help me to resolve this issue?

Ashish Thakur Replied on 07/10/2021

ExtentTest Object for the next test is not properly logging

Just debug your code. Put break points.

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