Sort a web table | Selenium Forum
Sudeep Posted on 25/02/2021

I want to handle sorting of web table can you please tell me how to do that
there are multiple columns in the attached screenshot and on each column I want to verify the sorting

on the first column which is a Date/Time column by default the column will be sorted in descending order

so I want to verify if the data in the column is sorted in descending order, can you please tell me how to write code for this

Also when I click the Date/Time header the column will be sorted in ascending order can you please tell this one as well

I have attached the application page where I need to cover sorting please help

Ashish Thakur Replied on 27/02/2021

Please look at the webtable video

You can extract the values from any of the columns and then verify if data is sorted..

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