How to achieve parallel execution of cucumber feature files with in a specific order ? | Selenium Forum
sowndarya Posted on 05/03/2021

Hi Team,

I created a BDD frame work using Selenium, Java, cucumber, Junit. I have some 20 feature files(using same login user credentials) created to run my regression suite.
I wanted to run these 20 features in parallel , but the challenge with my AUT is , it will not allow same user to login in parallel. For this reason, I created another login credentials and passed on to 10 feature files. 
Now I am looking for a solution where I can run these features with different credentials to run in parallel.
Could you please provide me the solution on how to run the features with different logins in parallel?



Ashish Thakur Replied on 07/03/2021


Once you invoke paralelly, you have no control

You cannot defne order

It ransomly selects and executes

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