Need JAR files download link for Build.xml as part of ANT configuration | Selenium Forum
venug.valuelabs Posted on 24/05/2020

Hi there,

I noticed in the video - Module 11 its mentioned that we need to place all JAR files in a folder and path need to be provided in the build.xml (for ANT) under "ws.jars" property.

Also mentioned in video that to download JAR files a link is already included in the account.

Can you please help me route to the URL where i can download all JAR files please.

Thank you in advance.

Venu G

venug.valuelabs Replied on 24/05/2020

Can anyone please respond on this please.

Please upload the link to download all jar files.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 25/05/2020

You can download following jars and keep there

1) TestNG -

2) Selenium -

venug.valuelabs Replied on 26/05/2020

Perfect! Thank you very much.

But i need other JAR files too like Saxon, SaxonLiaison etc., Please help.


I tried to search online and could found saxon but not the saxon Liaison. Please help.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 26/05/2020


venug.valuelabs Replied on 26/05/2020

Thank you very much Ashish.

Venu G

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