XSLT Report | Selenium Forum
Posted on 06/11/2015
1. First where is the link to download all the jars to generate XSLT Report using ANT?
2. How to generate XSLT Report using Maven. Seems like the gitHub url we used to use, not longer is useful.

Replied on 06/11/2015

you cannot create xslt report in maven either you have to use Ant or use extent report.

1. go to this link <http://relevantcodes.com/testng-listener-using-extentreports/>
2. create class "ExtentReporterNG". This is Listener class and put second block code in it from upper link and save it.
3. put ExtentReporterNG this listener in your testneg.xml. change package name with your package name.
<listener class-name="package.ExtentReporterNG" />
4. Add dependency in you POM.xml
<!-- Extent Reports -->

5. now open cmd prompt and go to your project location and run command "mvn compile" and after it run "mvn package"
6. go in eclipse and refresh your project and run your testng.xml
7. after running refresh your project and check report in test output folder.
8. a folder generate with your class name. check extent.html in it and open this in web browser.

Replied on 08/11/2015

Thank you so much. Will try shortly....

Also please provide me the link to download poi jars and jars to generate xslt report using ANT

Replied on 08/11/2015


Replied on 09/11/2015

Awesome!! U r the best. Thanks for quick reply!!
BTW...I learned a lot from your videos!! I almost became automation (selenium) pro at work!!
Thank you so much.
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Hope to see you come up with API Data-driven framework using RestAssured and Java (Not soupUI)