Why Assert.fail("failing"); is not caught in catch block | Selenium Forum
Posted on 10/06/2016
Scenario: Am scripting for a scenario where a condition is checked & if nullpointer exception occurs in catch block another logic is written with respective catch blocks multiple times.[Try inside a catch block multiple times]

I want to forcefully make a exception caught in catch block.

class sonso{
void main()
Assert.Fail("deliberately failing test");
catch(Exception e)
syso("in catch block");

[b:3i2zqf8u]Query:[/b:3i2zqf8u]Now this Assert.fail exception is never caught in catch block.Why sir?Any specific reason?
Should i try different exception lik arithmentexception herre?


Replied on 11/06/2016

Any assert will stop the execution and will not continue further, You need to use in catch block not in try block

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