Webdriver click function not triggering onchange event | Selenium Forum
triveni aroli Posted on 19/02/2019


I have to select a value from drop down menu.However its a list and i am using click function to select the option.The click i am using is

Object used is a "span" code snippet:driver.findElement(By.xpath("")).click();

This perfectly works fine in standalone program. Within framework this doesn't trigger the event and i get the error in fiddler

"DOMException: Failed to set the 'responseType' property on 'XMLHttpRequest': The response type cannot be changed for synchronous requests made from a document."

selenium in java driver.findElement(By.xpath("")).click();

I have 2drop downs(li). On selecting a value in 1 dropdown,the elements should be loaded is second dropdown based on the selection.

The click should trigger on change event and load the options in another dropdown.However through framework same line of code with same driver doesn't work.Any help would be much appreciated.

chrome Driver:2.46,Browser:chrome 72.x version

Ashish Thakur Replied on 20/02/2019

Did you try debugging the code?

The issue might be due to element bit available.