Version compatibility - Java VS Browsers Vs Selenium | Selenium Forum
Posted on 20/06/2016

Is there a Table mentioning compatibility of Selenium vs Java versions Vs Various browsers (firefox / IE / chrome)?

I have latest [b:1mv6qsso]Selenium 2.53.0[/b:1mv6qsso] configured in my eclipse.
what is the recommended version of java and browsers to make things work?

Is JRE 1.8 is recommended or lesser version? (
I tried to use Firefox 47, it fails to launch through firefoxDriver? what is the recommded firefox version?
Similarly what is the supported version of chrome and IE for Selenium 2.53.0?

Is there a place where browser and other compatibility details are present?


Replied on 20/06/2016

rule of thumb is keep firefox version 2 - 4 version back

Replied on 21/06/2016


Can you update at least one working set - which you use for Demo/Training currently?

For below items - (not necessarily latest but a working set - So we can check basic browser launch functionality working across all browsers for the same piece of java/Selenium code )

[b:uqtpxzpu]JRE version
Selenium version


Replied on 22/06/2016

ff 27
selenium 2.53
chrome 51
JRE version 8