Urgent: Stuck: Module11: Cannot create object HtmlUnitDriver | Selenium Forum
Posted on 20/06/2016
I could not create HtmlUnitDriver even though I included selenium-java-2.53.0.jar and ALL jars in lib folder.
The reason was 'NoClassDefFoundError: org/openqa/selenium/HasInputDevices'
So I got selenium api jar files (selenium-api-2.53.0.jar, guava-19.0.jar, gson-2.3.1.jar). But HasInputDevices.class is under org/openqa/selenium/interactions and not under org/openqa/selenium/ and I am still getting same error.

There were 2 other threads on this topic that I went through, but it did not help.

I am uploading a zip file of my project. My class:
import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.*;

public class BrowserTests {

public static void main(String[] args) {
//FirefoxDriver fd = new FirefoxDriver();
HtmlUnitDriver hd = new HtmlUnitDriver();
System.out.println("Opening URL");
System.out.println("Getting Title");
System.out.println("Got title");



Replied on 20/06/2016

Found the answer myself - use selenium 2.52.0

Replied on 20/06/2016

glad to hear it.