Uploadig File With AutoIT On Selenium Grid | Selenium Forum
Posted on 02/06/2016
Hello Everyone,

I need help urgently at my company. I am been tasked to distribute our regression test to reduce execution time as suites is growing bigger by the day. I have managed to implement the selenium grid with below configuration however the issue I am having is autoIT script which runs fine when running test on a single machine sequentially doesnt work over grid on node machines.:

Build server : VSTS
Remote Tool : PsExec

- So the tests are pulled down onto the grid machine by VSTS and get the machine registered as a grid hub.
- From my java code I am executing sets of bat files that execute psTool commands to remote into each of the boxes and register them as node to the hub(All these set up's works fine).
- Test Started getting executed fine but when it gets to the point where I am executing the autoIT script to upload files onto the Application under test - the window dialog opens but the test unable to upload the file and test just fails (Note this autoIT script works when not runned against grid.)

Please help in resolving this so that the autoIT scrip can work as normal over grid will be greatly appreciated as I have a deadline of close of play tomorrow to deliver this and I have combed the internet but couldnt find any example that work for me please.

Thank you in anticipation.


Replied on 04/06/2016

for auto it to work, auto it must be installed on nodes with all the auto it scripts have to be saved on node computer.