Unable to perform simple class from maven cmd prompt. | Selenium Forum
Posted on 25/09/2016
Hi Ashish,

When I execute my Maven code from CMD prompt. Unable to Run my program.
Step 1 -- create folder.
Step 2 -- Go inside the folder.
Step 3 -- type command --> archetype:generate.
Step 4 -- Give the project Name.
Step 5 -- Go inside the Project.
Step 6 -- mvn eclipse:eclipse.
Step 7 -- Write the Program in Project--> package--> Create class --> Google.
Step 8 -- Write command --> mvn validate.
Step 9 -- Write command --> mvn compile.
Step 10 - Write command --> mvn package.

Note: - I attached My project and Screen Shot.

Replied on 26/09/2016


1.) mvn test
2.) mvn install

Replied on 26/09/2016

Hi Ashish,
When will I use this command ?

I preform this Command following.
1 - mvn test
2 - mvn install
3 - mvn eclipse:eclipse
4 - mvn validate
5 - mvn compile
6 - mvn package

but still not able to run program from cmd.

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Replied on 26/09/2016

after compile.

Replied on 27/09/2016

Again same issue.
Unable to execute program from cmd prompt.

I preform Command following.
1 - mvn eclipse:eclipse
2 - mvn validate
3 - mvn compile
4 - mvn test
5 - mvn install

but not working....
then after i used
6 - mvn package

Replied on 28/09/2016

[quote:jw2jd3dz]mvn test[/quote:jw2jd3dz]
should execute testcases. you don't need mvn package after that.

Replied on 28/09/2016

Unable to Execute my testcase from CMD prompt.

Following step i executed again....
1 - mvn eclipse:eclipse
2 - mvn validate
3 - mvn compile
4 - mvn test
5 - mvn install

Replied on 28/09/2016

what is the result after mvn test?

Replied on 28/09/2016

Hi Ashish,
Today I created new Project and Use following process.
But still getting Same Message on Command prompt -- Build success.
But my test Code is not getting executed by cmd prompt. (Firefox Browser is not opened.)

Using following command --
1 - mvn eclipse:eclipse
2 - mvn validate
3 - mvn compile
4 - mvn test

Note: -- After using command --- > mvn test, I got message ---find the attached screenshot

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Replied on 29/09/2016

send the project.