Unable to install Email-ext to jenkin | Selenium Forum
Posted on 07/08/2016

Have configured jenkins to trigger a bat file execution.
Build passes
Report is generated

Now, i need to mail this report to email ids...
Email-Ext supports this......But am not able to find clear steps to Install Email-ext to jenkins.......

Could you please provide detailed steps to Install Email-ext to jenkins [/b:28jds2nc]

Replied on 07/08/2016

Tried manual plugin installation-----Didnot work
Tried manage jenkins>Available>--------Update did not work
Tried uploading plugin manually by advance setting---Did not work

Restarted jenkins after every attempt.....plugin Email-ext is not installed........

Replied on 07/08/2016

Jenkins needs Internet access to download plugins and updates. It is problem with your inernet settings.

configure proxy