Unable to deploy leadapp project for database testing | Selenium Forum
Posted on 19/11/2015
Hi Ashish,

I was going through one of the database testing module and I was trying to deploy your leadapp project using ANT according to your video but it's giving me an error. I have also changed the path in build.properties as per the instruction but still I'm getting an error while using the cmd " ant clean deploy".

Please check the screenshot added in the attachment and help me out.

Replied on 19/11/2015

give the right path. slash( \ )are missing.

Responsive image

Replied on 01/05/2016


I'm also facing the same error message while deploying.
If you got the solution for this, could you please let me know in which file did you change the path?

Vamshi M

Replied on 01/05/2016

put double slash

like this
