Two interview questions | Selenium Forum
Posted on 29/04/2016
I have come across the following questions .Please, answer the questions ,,,,,,Thank You.

1.In Selenium Grid , howmany nodes can be connected to Hub ?
2.There are two ways to declare the locators :
A.All the locators can be put in a property file.
B.The locators can be declared in each page object class
Out of these two ways,which is better ?

Thank You,

Replied on 29/04/2016

[quote:50ao0cvh]1.In Selenium Grid , howmany nodes can be connected to Hub ?[/quote:50ao0cvh]
as many as you like. there is upper limit in software but depends on the machine.

[quote:50ao0cvh]2.There are two ways to declare the locators :
A.All the locators can be put in a property file.
B.The locators can be declared in each page object class
Out of these two ways,which is better ?[/quote:50ao0cvh]

B is better option. because we don't have to write findelements etc. less coding is required.