TraininVideo-23:Update test Pass/Fail/Skip status in XL file | Selenium Forum
Posted on 14/12/2016

Have implemented POM with page factory with the help of the Training Video-23.
Can you please help me to update the Test PASS/FAIL/SKIP status in 'TestData' sheet under Data.XLSX file.

At the end of each row/TestData i have created a column 'TestStatus' and i want to update the status in the same column if i have ran the scripts with multiple set of test data (data driven approach).

Please find the attachment for the testdata sheet


Replied on 18/12/2016

[quote:11nl7rxh]Can you please help me to update the Test PASS/FAIL/SKIP status in 'TestData' sheet under Data.XLSX file.


isn't this covered in module 23?