Selenium Integration with Jira | Selenium Forum
Posted on 30/04/2016
There is client requirement in my project to integrate selenium with JIRA. We have implemented cucumber framework for POC purpose.

I have tried to get Xray plugin but as it involves cost client is not ready to fund.
Also currently we have Zephyr plugin for test management, i tried to integrate with that as well but Zephyr also requires Zapi for automation scripts.

To summarise,client is not ready to fund any paid plugin.Can you please help me on how I should upadte the status of automation script automatically in JIRA considering I have scripts written in Cucumber.

As it is POC, we can discard Cucumber and get some other framework whose reports can be understood by any layman.Please help me with some other solution.

Replied on 30/04/2016

have you tried jenkins' jira plugin?