Readingwriting.xlsx file | Selenium Forum
Posted on 27/11/2016
Hi Guys,

How can I get hold of xls_reader file from module 7, I'm downloading the code first time from the site, the zip file name is Selenium_Pack_Nov.rar all the Media files have no meta data in them, I just want what we have studied not the media files, the code which we can import in the eclipse.

Please can you guide me, I have used the "Download code" link available on the site for the students.

Thanks in advance :)

Replied on 27/11/2016

i am not able to understand the question can you repeat? thank you.

Replied on 28/11/2016


Thanks for showing concerned ! I'll try again. Responsive image

In Module 7 Ashish taught us reading data from excel file, he studied POI and made a util file called "xls_reader.JAVA" to make it easier for us and we have used that class during module 7 and also same class in module 18 . I just wanted to download the file and use it for practice, Ashish did mention you can download it and use it.

Also when I tried to use the link "download code" from the QTPselenium site, the zip file has media file but all of them are empty.
Overall struggling to get access to the projects Ashish created whilst teaching.

I hope it make sense.


Replied on 29/11/2016

[quote:o9nzz6lv]the zip file has media file but all of them are empty.

download again.use winzip to extract.

Replied on 13/12/2016

[quote="":3pmu10t1][quote:3pmu10t1]the zip file has media file but all of them are empty.

download again.use winzip to extract.[/quote:3pmu10t1]

Did it but unfortunately still same result empty files !

Replied on 18/12/2016

send a screen shot.