Reading xlsx file - Module 7 | Selenium Forum
Posted on 21/03/2016
Hi Ashish,

I have bought videos from your website and following them. As part of Module 7 you prepared an Xls_Reader java file from POI API to read data from excel. I am using that at my work currently.I have to prepare script so that it can read data from excel. I have created object and when i use both getCellData functions you created i am able to get a number as a decimal value from excel though its just a number in the cell.

for example, 796 in the excel cell is getting output to me as 796.0

how this can be resolved? is something to be changed in Xls_Reader java file you prepared?
please help me out.

Arun Masna

Replied on 22/03/2016

try putting this in front of cell '

Replied on 22/03/2016

Ya i already tried and that works but i cannot update each cell as there are lot of cells that has data.
Is any other way that can be applied to all cells of file?

Replied on 22/03/2016

i'm sorry no xls_reader reads the data from excel sheet as its text.