Query on Hybrid driven framework. | Selenium Forum
Posted on 17/05/2016
Sir in DriverScript,

// values from xls
keyword=controller.getCellData(currentTest, "Keyword", tsid);
object=controller.getCellData(currentTest, "Object", tsid);
currentTSID=controller.getCellData(currentTest, "TSID", tsid);
stepDescription=controller.getCellData(currentTest, "Decription", tsid);
proceedOnFail=controller.getCellData(currentTest, "ProceedOnFail", tsid);
data_column_name=controller.getCellData(currentTest, "Data_Column_Name", tsid);
Method method= Keywords.class.getMethod(keyword);
String result = (String)method.invoke(method);[b:3vytjzlk]//CALLING RESPECTIVE METHOD HERE & GETTING RESULT [/b:3vytjzlk]
APPICATION_LOGS.debug("***Result of execution -- "+result);

[b:3vytjzlk]my Query:Say method u r suppose to call is CLICKoBJECT....Here you are not providing the object as parameter.
So does that mean, in KEYWORDS JAVA file..<object > is accessable becoz KEYWORDS extends DriverScript????[/b:3vytjzlk]

Replied on 17/05/2016

Pls refer attachments

[b:1htfcua1]can there be multiplle rows of testdata for a particular testcase?[/b:1htfcua1]

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Replied on 18/05/2016

yes there can be multiple row of data.

Replied on 18/05/2016

k Sir , then if


[b:1gwr4kpo]In case "License" row has 2 rows , so is "Select" operation conducted twice with 2 different values?[/b:1gwr4kpo]{LIke data driven framework???]

Replied on 18/05/2016

only licenses has 2 rows? not other columns?

Replied on 18/05/2016

Sir, please refer my attachment......

If License column, has 2 rows .. does that mean Steps of TC03 will be executed twice?

As , if there r 2 data s to be tested for "Select" control.... [b:1zw1d98n]All steps of TC03 will to be executed twice?[/b:1zw1d98n]

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Replied on 18/05/2016

oh you can't do that.

you can do license 1 and license 2.