Putting common things inside BaseTest class | Selenium Forum
Posted on 02/11/2016
Hi Sir,

In my project there are different modules. In Data Driven framework, there are some things which are common for all the modules and there are some things which are common in a module specific manner.

For ex: Let's say there are three modules M1, M2 and M3.
Function 1, Function 2 and Function 3 will be common for all M1, M2 and M3.
Function 4, Function 5 and Function 6 will be common for M1 only.
Function 7, Function 8 and Function 9 will be common for M2 only.
Function 10, Function 11 and Function 12 will be common only for M3.

Function 1 2 and 3 will no doubt go under BaseTest class since they are common for all the modules. Will Function 4 5 and 6 also go under BaseTest class since they are common only for M2. Or is there any better way for organizing this modular structure. Similarly for modules M2 and M3 as well.

Thank you for the help!

Replied on 08/11/2016

are you still having problem?

Replied on 09/11/2016

Yes, I am still having confusion as to how the modules can be arranged. Request to please help.

Replied on 15/11/2016

[quote:dzwgcxv6]Will Function 4 5 and 6 also go under BaseTest class since they are common only for M2.[/quote:dzwgcxv6]

are 4,5,6 common for m1 or m2?