Please create the custom xpath for a date in Zoho CRM | Selenium Forum
Posted on 03/09/2016
Hi Ashish,

I am trying to click on current month calendar date in Zoho CRM but i am not able to manage writing day into the xpath.

Can you please give me the xpath for the current month date inserting day into the xpath.

Thank you,

[code:2vb6wfyb] public void selectDate(String d) throws ParseException {


SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date dateToBeSelected = df.parse(d);
Date currentDate = new Date();
String monthYearDisplayed = getText("monthYearDisplayed_xpath");
System.out.println("month year displayed " + monthYearDisplayed);
String month = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(dateToBeSelected);
String year = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy").format(dateToBeSelected);
String day = new SimpleDateFormat("d").format(dateToBeSelected);
System.out.println("day is " + day);
String monthYearToBeSelected = month + " " + year;
System.out.println("month year to be selected " + monthYearToBeSelected);

while (true) {
if (monthYearToBeSelected.equals(monthYearDisplayed)) {

driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td/class[cdate text()='"+ day +"']"))
System.out.println("found and selected");

} else {
if (dateToBeSelected.after(currentDate)) {
} else {
monthYearDisplayed = getText("monthYearDisplayed_xpath");

Replied on 03/09/2016

I figured it out.

[code:35lfzell]driver.findElement(By.xpath("//td[text()='"+ day +"']")).click();[/code:35lfzell]

Thanks for looking into my concern.

Replied on 04/09/2016

good to know.