Outputting logs onto eclipse console when running test parr | Selenium Forum
Posted on 08/05/2016
Hello Everyone,

Your help will be highly appreciated, I have setted up selenium grid using testNg as test framework to support parrallel test execution,

I have been able to succesfully generate logs for seperate test files by just calling below method in each tests @BeforeTest Level which is great.

However the issue I need help with is how do I ehance this method so that I can also be outputting onto eclipse console as well by just using the logs.debug(""), at the moment I am having to write System.out.println along with logs.debug() so as to write into the files generated and also to output to eclipse console.

NOTE : I am know longer using log4j.properties file.

public void initLogs(Class<?> class1){

FileAppender appender = new FileAppender();
appender.setFile(System.getProperty("user.dir") + "<FilePath>"+class1.getSimpleName()+".txt");
appender.setLayout(new PatternLayout("%d %-5p [%c{1}] %m%n"));
logs = Logger.getLogger(class1);
logs.debug("Log Initialized to be generated for test : " + class1.getSimpleName());

//In every test class, in the beforeTest we call the method as : initLogs(this.getClass());

Thank you for your help in anticipation.



Replied on 11/05/2016

you have to use system.out.print("")