Not geting Rowcount and Celldata from the xls sheet | Selenium Forum
Posted on 29/10/2015
Hi Ashish,

below is the sample code please suggest is there any problem with this code?

I am finding the cell data from the xls sheet but not able to find's only print the path of the xls sheet. please look and advise.
package Test;

import com.datadriven.util.Xls_Reader;

public class SuiteRunmode {

public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub

Xls_Reader x= new Xls_Reader(System.getProperty("user.dir")+"\\src\\com\\datadriven\\xls\\Suite.xlsx");
isSuiteRunnable(x, "A Suite");

public static boolean isSuiteRunnable(Xls_Reader xls, String Suitename){
//return false;

for(int i=2;i<=xls.getRowCount("Test Suite");i++){

System.out.println(xls.getCellData("Test Suite", "TSID", i));
return false;



output: G:\Selenium\Selenium-Eclipse\Selenese\Datadriven_Framework

Replied on 30/10/2015

have you tried printing anything else like [color=#FF0000:3jy7yfz4]getcelldata();[/color:3jy7yfz4]