Not able to locate element in chrome(angular js website) | Selenium Forum
Posted on 29/09/2016
Please help in the below issue:

Website is developed using angular js.

This issue is observed for the chrome only, developer make some changes(given ids to element) for some of the locators, problem resolved for that.
But we cant give ids to all elements, please suggest any alternatives.
We used implicit or explicit wait but still issue persist. Also we tried with different chrome driver and chrome browser, selenium versions but no resolution. please suggest.

Replied on 30/09/2016

is this a mobile app issue?

Replied on 30/09/2016

[quote="":2p9hsqhx]is this a mobile app issue?[/quote:2p9hsqhx]

Site is for mobile as well as desktop. this issue is coming due to angular dialog(pop up) box not able to detect..please suggest how we can handle angular dialog box? not able to send text in text box of angular dialog.

Used below format but still issue is there:


Replied on 01/10/2016

can I have a look at your application. it is very hard to solve the problem without looking at the application first.