Not able to handle alert pop up | Selenium Forum
Posted on 05/04/2016
Hi Ashish,
I get an alert pop when i click on log off on my application.
Options i tried:
1.) getwindowhandles() returns 1, so there is no second window.
2.) tried Alert al = driver.switchTo().alert(); and adding explicit wait on it.
3.) tried just using the search by xpath and id,but it didnt work.
4.) also added switch to active element

Replied on 06/04/2016

is this a light box?

Replied on 06/04/2016

looks like a light box. I was able to use firebug on the OK button, but when i try to absolute or whole xpath, it is not able to find the OK button.

Replied on 07/04/2016

can i have the access to the website?

Replied on 07/04/2016

This is internal client site which can be access through their network only. Is there something, i can send you so you can look into it and help me.

Replied on 07/04/2016

ping me on skype "qptselenium1"

ask for vaibhav