Not able to execute Least Performing Asset in Core WebDriver | Selenium Forum
Posted on 04/06/2016
I am trying to execute second testcase which is "Least Performing Asset" in Core_WebDriver_DataDriven_Framework but the data for it is taking from row no. 27. Can you please check and let me know where exactly i am doing it wrong.

Please download the project zip file.

Thank you,

Replied on 06/06/2016

in your excel file there are only 26 rows. hence it gives error on 27th row.

Replied on 06/06/2016

That's where i am stuck.

It should actually start from row no. 7 instead it is continuing from row no. 27.

I wanted to know where exactly i am doing it wrong.

Replied on 06/06/2016

download the again and use the datadriven framework inside it.

there must be a mistake inside your project.