Not able to click a Grid button | Selenium Forum
Posted on 22/02/2016
Can you please help me on Grid button control.I am not able to click a Grid button.Herewwith i have attached the Grid button image and Properties.

<button class="btn btn-info pull-left" data-ng-class="{ 'pull-left': btn.horizontalPosition == 'left', 'pull-right': btn.horizontalPosition == 'right' }" data-ng-disabled="$_executing" data-ng-show="!confirmAction && (!btn.requiresSelection || selected.length > 0)" data-ng-click="onGridButton(btn)" data-ng-repeat="btn in settings.gridButtons | filter: { verticalPosition: position }" title="" type="button" style="">

Here i am not find any name of the button or value of button.Now i want to click a grid button and next to the respective page

Replied on 23/02/2016

please send a full screen shot. i couldn't get you.