Need help with Reading and writing from UI to EXCEL at same | Selenium Forum
Posted on 13/03/2016
Need help with Reading and writing from excel to UI and from UI to excel

The following Scenario has to be done for 15 different test data/users
1.Read the data from excel and input to UI
2.In UI after multiple operations , UI will generates some unique info for each test data.this unique info need to be loaded to the same excel at the same row on the last column/or certain colum

I am struggling with this .please help me with the code using Test NG/Junit.


Replied on 13/03/2016

it can be done via data driven project (module 20).

Replied on 13/03/2016

In Module 20, it is talking much about reading the data i,e get data.
Here my scenario is to get and set data from the same sheet&row before moving to the next row.
Please please please please Help me out with simple example with TestNG/JUNIT.


Replied on 14/03/2016

watch module 7 for writing in the xlsx file

and after that you have to make your own logic to write inside of xlsx file.