Need help on identifying radio butttons | Selenium Forum
Posted on 27/09/2015
Hi Folks,

can some one tell me how to click "Default Group (126)" here from the below code.Also anyone has worked on clicking the grid table like sorting the data in ascending/descending order? If yes, can some one shed the light on that!!

<ul id="group-filter" class="filters">
<li class="groupItem ng-scope" ng-repeat="group in groups | limitTo: groups_limit">
<span class="ngRB ng-scope" gid="0" rb-group-name="g" rb-groups="">
<input id="rb_943581" type="radio" name="g">
<label class="ng-binding" for="rb_943581">All (140)</label>
<li class="groupItem ng-scope" ng-repeat="group in groups | limitTo: groups_limit">
<span class="ngRB ng-scope" gid="3000000017853" rb-group-name="g" rb-groups="">
<input id="rb_9740261" type="radio" name="g">
<label class="ng-binding" for="rb_9740261">Default Group (126)</label>
<li class="groupItem ng-scope" ng-repeat="group in groups | limitTo: groups_limit">
<span class="ngRB ng-scope" gid="3000000090534" rb-group-name="g" rb-groups="">
<input id="rb_8527989" type="radio" name="g">
<label class="ng-binding" for="rb_8527989">Group(2)</label>


Replied on 29/09/2015

this xpath should work "//*[@id="group-filter"]/li[2]/span/label"