Multiple data tabs in excel file | Selenium Forum
Valerie Kollmann Posted on 01/07/2019

Hello, I am using the Selenium Hybrid Framework with the Chrome browser and java. I would like to keep my test cases in one Excel workbook. Can the excel file have more than one Data tab? Instead of having the data for all my test cases on one Data tab, I would like to separate my test data depending on the functionality I am testing. For example, I am automating an Order Inquiry System. I would like one data tab to have automated test cases for Accounts related testing. I would like to use another data tab for test cases related to Customers, another data tab for testing Shipping. The goal is to keep all these test cases in the same excel workbook. If this is possible, I would I make my automated testing recognize with data tab to use?


Thank you.

Ashish Thakur Replied on 02/07/2019

In that case, you need to build your own custom logic to retrieve data from a different sheet instead of the same sheet.