Module15: Unable to locate frame eventhough size>0 | Selenium Forum
Posted on 12/09/2016
Total frames are "10". when search with xpath, it is not visible in any of the frames. can you please guide me in handling this scenario?
[attachment=0:3s4g5ioh]Unable to locate frame.png[/attachment:3s4g5ioh]

Replied on 14/09/2016

Give some wait after clicking signin button

Replied on 15/09/2016

Even after giving some wait after "Signin" click, still unable to locate element.

This is frame and trying to find size of this frame to print values in "Email"
[attachment=1:2d47554j]Unable to locate frame1.png[/attachment:2d47554j]
But still same issue exists
[attachment=0:2d47554j]Unable to locate frame2.png[/attachment:2d47554j]

Responsive image

Replied on 16/09/2016

there are no frame ids available?

Replied on 16/09/2016

1)If you go through screenshot "Forgot password" popup itself is a frame.

2)Suppose, if there are no frame ID's, then how to switch to this field ("Email" as in above screenshot)

Replied on 16/09/2016

those are the 3 ways

try one after the other.