Module 20 ( Need details) | Selenium Forum
Posted on 07/06/2016
I am watching the video sequentaillay and implementing parallel, As mentioned in videos , i have taken the core and started building for Webdriver

In PortFolioSuite.xlsx, "Expected Result" is auto filled with "SUCESS", "FAILURE"
(D:\Selenium_Pack\Selenium_Pack\Selenium_Pack\code\Module20\New - aug 2014\mail\webdriver_rediff\PortFolioSuite.xlsx)

In your video, the results are auto filled in Expected Result (Part 10 Video)

Please can you explain where you handled this code? In my sheet the results are not filled.

Is it filled manually "SUCESS" and "FAILURE" in Expected Result column?

Replied on 08/06/2016

it comes after part 10. i don't remember the exact part.