Module 20 doubt in how to add dependencies in project | Selenium Forum
Posted on 23/11/2016
Hello Admin

In the video of module 20 please provide answer the following query ...
in the first video sir has copied the dependencies from pom.xml in the directory selenium->online recording->Appium recordings->Salesforce_DDF_Mod11 to the project being made Datadriven_Core_Framework i can access the project Salesforce_DDF_Mod11..seems its is in Ashish s PC? so how i can make the necessary change in pom.xml in new project of POI api, selenium, testng, all different types ..

Replied on 23/11/2016

you can just copy the old pom.xml file to new project.

Replied on 24/11/2016

you can just copy the old pom.xml file to new project.

please tell me old pom.xml is where .

i compiled a project MyMavenProject but its pom.xml doesnt have needed dependencies. Now which project should i run maven so that i can get a pom.xml


Replied on 24/11/2016

inside download code you will find old pom.xml.

Responsive image

Replied on 24/11/2016

thanks for replying seeing that while trying to open the zip file of the code downloaded receive error zip file may be damaged

sorry for bothering ..attached is screenshot ...thanks..prior to this the older version of code had opened ...i think other users may also have brought this problem to your notice

Replied on 24/11/2016

download again it will work.

[quote:3q57ghqd].i think other users may also have brought this problem to your notice[/quote:3q57ghqd]

no, you're the first.