Module 17: handling alert & validation message from excel | Selenium Forum
Posted on 03/10/2016
In login screen, there are 2 types of error messages and iam trying to read both these messages from excel file.

[u:11kozzbf][b:11kozzbf][b][u]Message 1:when Invalid username is entered[/b:11kozzbf][/u:11kozzbf]

[attachment=2:11kozzbf]validation on screen.png[/attachment:11kozzbf]

[b:11kozzbf][u:11kozzbf]Message 2: When password doesnt meet required criteria (modal dialog/alert)[/u:11kozzbf][/b:11kozzbf]

[attachment=1:11kozzbf]validation in modal dialog.png[/attachment:11kozzbf]

After executing program , only one test case result is displayed as PASS (Message 1) and for other test case, below error is displayed.

can you please guide me in fixing this?

[attachment=0:11kozzbf]Alert_modal dialog.png[/attachment:11kozzbf]

Replied on 04/10/2016

Able to fix this issue:)