Module 16-Class AbstractWebDriverEventListener | Selenium Forum
Posted on 08/08/2016
I was browsing through module 16 part 1.

There you told about Class AbstractWebDriverEventListener..I was able to call this listener from another program through EventFiringWebdriver class, but through testng.xml I was given error:

Listener testng_listeners.CustomListener2@5aaa6d82 must be one of ITestListener, ISuiteListener, IReporter, IAnnotationTransformer, IMethodInterceptor or IInvokedMethodListener

So my question is Can't we call this listener from testng.xml ??

Replied on 08/08/2016

first of can you send a screenshot of the error.

[quote:10zhykd6]Can't we call this listener from testng.xml ??[/quote:10zhykd6]

testng.xml can call this listener.

i have to see your code how you are overriding this listener.

Replied on 08/08/2016

Uploaded project.

in my testng xml --<listeners>
<listener class-name="testng_listeners.CustomListener2" />


Fine in my suiteA I have <test name="Test C">
<class name="suite1.TestC" ></class>

So as per logic when TestC runs Listener class should be called. but error coming

Listener testng_listeners.CustomListener2@5aaa6d82 must be one of ITestListener, ISuiteListener, IReporter, IAnnotationTransformer, IMethodInterceptor or IInvokedMethodListener
Usage: <main class> [options] The XML suite files to run
Configuration failure policy (skip or continue)
Output directory
Number of threads to use when running data providers
Comma-separated list of group names to exclude
Comma-separated list of group names to be run
JUnit mode
Default: false
List of .class files or list of class names implementing ITestListener or
Comma separated of test methods
Default: []
List of .class files or list of class names implementing IMethodSelector
Mixed mode - autodetect the type of current test and run it with
appropriate runner
Default: false
List of .class files or list of class names implementing
Parallel mode (methods, tests or classes)
Possible Values: [tests, methods, classes, instances, none, true, false]
The port
Extended configuration for custom report listener
Default name of test suite, if not specified in suite definition file or
source code
Size of the thread pool to use to run suites
Default: 1
The list of test classes
A jar file containing the tests
Default name of test, if not specified in suitedefinition file or source
The list of test names to run
-testrunfactory, -testRunFactory
The factory used to create tests
Number of threads to use when running tests in parallel
Whether to use the default listeners
Default: true
-log, -verbose
Level of verbosity
The full path to the xml file inside the jar file (only valid if -testjar
was specified)
Default: testng.xml

Replied on 08/08/2016

i looking in to your project i'll reply by tomorrow.

Replied on 08/08/2016

Thanks ..will wait

Replied on 08/08/2016

you cannot use AbstractWebDriverEventListener in testng.xml

Replied on 10/08/2016

I cannot use AbstractWebDriverEventListener in testng.xml

Then what should i use instead of this??
whats the reason of not using

Replied on 11/08/2016

you'll use these ITestListener, ISuiteListener, IReporter, IAnnotationTransformer, IMethodInterceptor or IInvokedMethodListener for testng.

whats the reason of not using[/quote:2ikerxjz]
because its selenium listener not a testng listener. you can't put petrol in a diesel car.