Maven configuration issue | Selenium Forum
Posted on 17/09/2016
Hi Ashish,
While configuring Maven I got stuck at one point.
>I had searched for latest Junit version and found it to be 4.12
>Updated POM.xml version in eclipse to 4.12
>in command prompt typed -> mvn compile
>It was successfully run
>Now I could fine .m2 folder in this path of my system C:\Users\mubeen\.m2\repository\junit\junit
>though I gave 4.12 in path.. I got a new folder 4.11
>it has only 3 files junit-4.11.pom, junit-4.11.pom.sha1 and _remote.repositories but not the jar file

Please let me know how to continue.. thanks!!

Replied on 17/09/2016

delete the old dependency from pom.xml and delete the jar files from .m2 repo.