Many errors come in running code | Selenium Forum
Posted on 28/12/2016
please advise why number of errors can be seen..code taken from module 20

even the import command is showing error

import org.openqa.selenium.webDriver.....import org.openqa cannot be resolved
import org.openqa.selenium.FirefoxDriver......import org.openqa cannot be resolved

package com.qtpselenium.core.ddf; .............syntax error on token package import expected

similar errors can be found as locator key , By , prop cannot be resolved

public WebDriver driver; Webdriver cannot be resolved to type

Replied on 28/12/2016

you have not imported selenium jar files into your module 20 project. import selenium jar files into your project.

Replied on 30/12/2016

i have client-combined-3.0.1-nodeps i have this selenium jar file i say the client jar file the build path
Also I have a file selenium-java-2.53.0-srcs ..what else ?

Replied on 30/12/2016

I cannot see the referenced library in the screen shot you send. please check that you have added external selenium jars.

Replied on 31/12/2016

thanks for the reply ..there was a missing jar youre right

still there are some error that you can help me solve ..thanks for the help ..happy new year

Replied on 01/01/2017

put package name on top

watch java tutorials for more info on package name etc.

Replied on 05/01/2017


I have made the changes ..error is visible for the token manage and mentioned below .. please note error :

syntax error on token manage ..identifier expected after this token
token . { expected

syntax error on tokens ..misplaced constructs


Replied on 05/01/2017

send a screen shot of token error.

Replied on 07/01/2017

errors in the code are mentioned in the word document

Replied on 08/01/2017

you have to place driver.manage lines inside a function.

I don't see any function surrounding the lines.

Replied on 21/01/2017

the code i have downloaded from section download code doesnt have code for web site ( Please tell me how to import the project as eclipse project. how to begin this project in eclipse

Replied on 22/01/2017

here are the instruction to import in eclipse

you can download are updated code from the website. we just recently added zoho project in our selenium pack.