In testsuite how to rerun the failed tests | Selenium Forum
Posted on 11/02/2016
From testsuite while running my TESTS due to our API's late response time my UI will throw 500 error message and most of the times within seconds api's responds correctly and UI will behave correctly.Due to this API hiccup issue some of my tests are failing.
Is there is a way to rerun only the failed tests and while generating reports it should say how many iterations it had rerun the failed tests.
Could you please help with this issue.


Replied on 13/02/2016

i didn't get you?

Replied on 13/02/2016

For example in testsuite if we have 5 tests.While executing the test suite if 2 tests are failed.
In test suite after executing this 5 tests instead of ending the testsuite/test execution.Is there is any code to verify if any of the tests in the testsuite are failed, if failed try to rerun only the failed tests and then end the test suite execution.



Replied on 13/02/2016

is this what you're looking for?