How to use assert in below scenario? | Selenium Forum
Posted on 10/05/2016
Hi Ashish,

I am trying to execute below scenario

1.Clicking on text field
2.Entering invalid characters in text-field and now I am clicking on "OK"

Now here Clicking on 'OK" , system just does not respond anything.

but here after clicking on "OK" system is not generating a any message if I enter invalid characters[this is how its designed ] but I want to selenium to report the error
that element is not clickable
how can we handle such scenario? I tried isDisplayed,IsEnabled they write true even though element is not clickable

Replied on 11/05/2016

if you fill the valid text and click ok what does the application do?

Replied on 11/05/2016

If i fill valid text then its goes to next page which works fine but here I am trying negative test

Replied on 11/05/2016

you can assert with page title if the title changes then program is fine if it does not change then program should give a error.