How to resolve "RemoteWebDriver cannot be resolved to a type | Selenium Forum
Posted on 09/06/2016
I am acquiring grid concept in module 20 where i got stuck with multiple markers at the highlighted line in screenshot.

Multiple markers at this line
- URL cannot be resolved to a type
- RemoteWebDriver cannot be resolved to a type
- RemoteWebDriver cannot be resolved to a type

Let me know the solution for the above problem.


Replied on 09/06/2016

add selenium-server-standalone.jar file in eclipse.

Replied on 09/06/2016

Thanks for your reply mate.

I tried including the "selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar" file but it didn't resolved the issue.

I googled it and also tried including "selenium-java-2.53.0.jar" file but that too didn't work.

Replied on 10/06/2016

public WebDriver driver;
Change to
public RemoteWebDriver driver;

Replied on 11/06/2016

I have done that in the first place hari krishna but still the problem persist.

I Really appreciate your suggestions.


Replied on 12/06/2016

send the code.