How to disable "disable developer mode" pop up in chrome 53 | Selenium Forum
Posted on 11/08/2016

am using latest chromedriver. chrome browser 53. This browser version pops a "Disable developer mode" pop up...interrupting the selenium script execution.

I want to shut this chrome's pop up from poping up...

1. capabilities.setCapability("chrome.switches",Arrays.asList("--disable-extensions"));------>Did not work..
2. Tried disabling extensions for chrome browser settings-------------------------------------->Did not work..

3.I downgraded my chrome version to 46, have disabled silent update....--------------------->This works....[But i cant retain chrome 46 for long]

[b:1fdzm0si]Sir, pls suggest how to disable "disable developer mode" pop up in chrome 53....[/b:1fdzm0si]

Replied on 12/08/2016

these question can be easily googled chaitra.

Replied on 19/08/2016

wierd issue with this trouble is:

[b:1niap9kz]i download a chrome 53: use chromeoptions disable extention in code...=====>Developer mode extension pop up is shut...[/b:1niap9kz]
My os=win 7, chromedriver 2.20

[b:1niap9kz]my browser was 46----->Silent chrome update to chrome 53/52================>Developer mode extension pop up is not shut..[/b:1niap9kz]
My os=win 7, chromedriver 2.20

Sir i have used same code to shut the pop up....

ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();
DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;
capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options);
driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities);

PLs suggest sir.....
[b:1niap9kz]Note: same pop up wont disable with same code on windows server 2008 R2....[/b:1niap9kz]
Am not sure y pop up is blocked some time & some times its not blocked.....