How to configure ant on mac? | Selenium Forum
Posted on 03/04/2016
How to configure ant on mac? I googled but it confuses me and i dont know how to follow it.

Replied on 03/04/2016

Ant is already installed on some older versions of Mac OS X, so you should run ant -version to test if it is installed before attempting to install it.

Alternatively, you can install Apache Ant manually. To do so, you would need to:

Decompress the .tar.gz file.
Optionally put it somewhere.
Put the "bin" subdirectory in your path.
The commands that you would need, assuming apache-ant-1.8.1-bin.tar.gz (replace 1.8.1 with the actual version) were still in your Downloads directory, would be the following (explanatory comments included):

cd ~/Downloads # Let's get into your downloads folder.
tar -xvzf apache-ant-1.8.1-bin.tar.gz # Extract the folder
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local # Ensure that /usr/local exists
sudo cp -rf apache-ant-1.8.1-bin /usr/local/apache-ant # Copy it into /usr/local
# Add the new version of Ant to current terminal session
export PATH=/usr/local/apache-ant/bin:"$PATH"
# Add the new version of Ant to future terminal sessions
echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/apache-ant/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.profile
# Verify new version of ant
ant -version

i use the above technique but you can try and use homebrew

Replied on 04/04/2016

I try to follow your step but it doesnt work. Would you mind making a short video for this to show exactly what you are doing?

Replied on 04/04/2016

i don't have mac osx installed so i can't make a short video.

Replied on 06/04/2016

im so lost with your instruction. I also tried stuff on google but it doesnt help. Can you help me to clear this please!

Replied on 07/04/2016

first learn it on windows then revert back to mac

Replied on 08/04/2016

can you please provide support on mac!

Replied on 08/04/2016

we will support it after you have basics lock down.

Replied on 09/04/2016

i need to install and configure ant before i can learn anything. Please help me with this. I am stuck. thank you!

Replied on 10/04/2016

take a look at this tutorial.