How to Automate 2 websites in the same Selenium Page Object Model Frame work | Selenium Forum
rbhukta Posted on 19/07/2019

I appreciate your help.

I am automating 2 websites in the same selenium project. 

For the first website we have the tests in the test folder and the page element locators and methods in the page folder.

The second website has its tests in the test folder(the tests are different here, so this okay) The question is about the page folder. What is the best practice. Should we create a different page class for each page in the second website? Or do we combine the pages from the two websites? 

How do we maintain the page object model structure for 2 websites in the same project?

Thanks in advance

Rita Bhukta

Ashish Thakur Replied on 22/07/2019

Yes, you need to create different page class for another website. I would suggest you creating another project to avoid confusion. 

rbhukta Replied on 22/07/2019

Thanks for your help. I appreciate