Have a element..in Dom which am unable to locate | Selenium Forum
Posted on 29/06/2016

Tried Absolute path to locate:"[b:3poqqvmj]Enter Valid Email[/b:3poqqvmj]"...as in snapshot...=>[b:3poqqvmj]Does not work[/b:3poqqvmj]
Check if iframes are involved=NO
Is that child Window=NO
Is it a Alert[Cross checked in ie]=NO
Tried this===>//*[text()='Enter Valid Email']=>Does not work

its not a link sir, its a alert which popped when i clicked create button....
Also checked WebElement Aler1=w.findElement(By.xpath("html/body/form/div[7]/div[2]/span/div/div/div[2]/span[3]"));
System.out.println(Aler1.isDisplayed());=> [b:3poqqvmj]PRINTS false[/b:3poqqvmj]

[b:3poqqvmj]Pls provide ur inputs..sir[/b:3poqqvmj]

Replied on 30/06/2016

resolved sir