Getting "Cant find symbol" error while running through ANT | Selenium Forum
Posted on 29/02/2016
Hi Ashish/folks,

I have been trying to run my test suite through ANT application with addition of following two lines:

driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

But ANT throws an error "Cant find symbol" for above two lines. Interestingly, when i comment those above two lines then ANT runs the code successfully. Could anyone of you geniuses tell me why this is happening. ;)

Thanks in advance
Ahmed Siddiqui

Replied on 29/02/2016

ant cannot find all the selenium files. please check your selenium folder.

Replied on 29/02/2016

Thanks Ashish,

But how will i come to know which files are missing in my selenium folder. Kindly help.

Thanks in advance
Ahmed Siddiqui

Replied on 29/02/2016

delete all you selenium jar files download them from selenium website again.