Error Util & Custom Listner-Testng Video-9 | Selenium Forum
Posted on 23/10/2016
Hi Ashish,

Please explain the Error Util & Custom Listener-Testng Video-9.
I am unable to understand these concept & agree with your copy & paste while giving training or demo.

Please let me know the time (in EST) we can discuss in detail?

public void afterInvocation(IInvokedMethod method, ITestResult result)

Thank you

Best Regards

Replied on 25/10/2016

Add me on skype
ID is qtpselenium1

Replied on 13/02/2018

It would be great if implementation of ErrorUtil methods addverificationfailure, getVerificationfailure and
Listener methods afterInvocation,beforeInvocation can be explained and recorded on video and added to video list in TV9 videos for Listeners. Thanks.