Error:The code method sonso(all params) exceedin 65535 bytes | Selenium Forum
Posted on 03/06/2016
Sir am getting this [b:2ccsy67l]error :The code method sonso(all parameters) is exceeding 65535 bytes limit..[/b:2ccsy67l]

There's this method, Have been adding keywords to this method [Keyword driven framework]
On adding multiple keywords,this error is popping up.
If i comment a few keywords,error disappears.

[b:2ccsy67l]Query:Sir, can there be 65535 bytes limit for method be reset to something else?
Issue: i can't keep commenting the keywords in this method as they are needed to be reused.
Please suggest your inputs on this...[/b:2ccsy67l]

Replied on 03/06/2016

paste the exception here.