Emailable-report (multiple times appearing same exception | Selenium Forum
Posted on 29/02/2016
I am using testng-datadriven framework by following module-20.
I am running testcases while catching multiple exceptions using ErrorUtil.addVerificationFailure(t) in catch block where its needed.

Issue: The emailable-report.html giving each exception multiple times upto 1 to 10 times (nfailures) for each testcase if there is an exception failures.
emailable-report is appearing to big which is not much readable by other team members.

Is there any way we can stop displaying multiple times same exception.

I am here attaching screen shots

Replied on 01/03/2016

exception i'm seeing here is Assertion Error (Element not found).

check you assertions.

Replied on 01/03/2016

Hi Ashish,
That Assertion Error expected to see in report.
I am not sure why its appearing multiple times in report instead of single time?
Please let me know if any advise

Replied on 01/03/2016

i think its just stacktrace.

Replied on 02/03/2016

Most of the places i used Throwable to catch exception in testbase and adding to ErrorUtil. So I changed to catch only Exception level but not ErrorUtil to add verification.
I am bit confused why we use ErrorUtil ( as I remembered to add multiple failures).

Now issue resolved but not adding multiple failures and not continuing text after first exception raise.

I think I need to do watch again this part.
Any suggestion

Replied on 02/03/2016

yeah watch the video again that will help you better grasp the concept.