Element not visible error | Selenium Forum
Posted on 24/04/2016
I have a webelement[textbox]. In chrome if i inspect the element it shows me these 2 input class.
But i am unable to find it when i try with id or xpath. can u pls help.

<input class="w-28 required validCardType validCardNumber lefticon hightlight-focus Do-HideValue" id="booking_info_credit_card_credit_card_number" maxlength="19" name="info[credit_card][credit_card_number]" placeholder="e.g 000000000000" size="19" tabindex="395" type="password">

<input class="w-28 required lefticon hightlight-focus Do-HideValue displayedButNotVisible" id="fake_credit_card_credit_card_number" maxlength="19" name="fake[credit_card][credit_card_number]" placeholder="e.g 000000000000" size="19" tabindex="396" type="text" disabled="disabled">

Replied on 25/04/2016

show me the code you have tried.

and see if the textbox is in iframe.