Diff. btw implementation of UI Tests & Functionality tests | Selenium Forum
Posted on 16/05/2016

lets not consider Data driven approach here....

Lets only consider [b:yz0rzuy1]HYBRID FRAMEWORK[/b:yz0rzuy1]

I have a Ui verification Testcase:
Goto url>Navigate to a css menu>select a option>A page opens>click a link there>A page should be displayed.

Let me put this as Steps & Expected Result:[b:yz0rzuy1]Refer attachment[/b:yz0rzuy1]

[b:yz0rzuy1]Usually in data driven framework ,we implemented "Evaluate" method at the end of Testcase[Which would implement Assert & compare Actual result & expected result..
What about in a UIValidation Testcase, What to Assert here ?[/b:yz0rzuy1]

[b:yz0rzuy1]Should i Assert after Step5:click a link there ?
i.e. Assert for Actual page displayed & Expected page displayed


is there a way to Assert each step of Test case ,such that if Step2 fails then rest of the UI validations don't execute....


Do a SoftAssert.declaration..& at the end of step 5 ...i do a SoftAssertAll & if anyof them fail,--------------->Test case is a FAIL

What should be the approach for Validating UI testcase?[/b:yz0rzuy1]